Released in 1997, Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s "Cure" has steadily grown in reputation, evolving into a landmark in psychological horror.
Read MoreCure: A Haunting Tale of EvilWhen "True Romance" hit theaters in 1993, it brought with it a mix of critical buzz and cult anticipation that was hard to ignore.
Read MoreTrue Romance: A Violent Fairy Tale of Love and Chaos"I Saw the Devil," a South Korean thriller from 2010, doesn’t just dip its toes in horror and revenge—it plunges right in and drags you with it.
Read MoreI Saw the Devil: A Chilling Exploration of VengeanceThe 1990s were a transformative decade for horror, bringing fresh perspectives and reinvigorating the genre, here's our top ten.
Read MoreTop 10 Horror Movies of the 1990s: A Decade of ReinventionThe 1980s were a transformative era for horror cinema, marked by innovative special effects, memorable villains and supernatural terrors.
Read MoreTop 10 Horror Movies of the 1980s: A Decade of IconsThe 1970s were the golden age for horror movies, producing some of the most influential and genre-shaping films in horror.
Read MoreTop 10 Horror Movies of the 1970s: A Decade of Fear